New SDA rule update signed

A long awaited update to the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Rule has been signed off with a much needed amendment to a key section. The SDA Rule will now allow people to share an SDA property with people not eligible for SDA. Changes to Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) rules mean couples will be able to share a bedroom where they choose to do so, and children will be able to share a room with their parent or siblings.

Minister Stuart Robert said the changes are another important step towards helping people with disability reach their goals and live independently.

‘The NDIS enables people with disability to live more independently and one of the most fundamental aspects of all our lives is having choice and control over where we live, who we live with and the supports we need,’ Mr Robert said.

‘We are improving the range of options available to participants who have SDA in their NDIS plans, while also stimulating growth in the SDA housing market.

‘The changes will improve choice for eligible NDIS participants, build market confidence and drive stronger investment in SDA across Australia.’

View the full Media Release here.


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